
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Winnie the Pooh

Today was a great day hanging out with MrsBlue :)  In fact, I really enjoyed just being together...OH how I love weekends to spend some time with her!

Today was a day of watching movies.  The first movie was "the Help".  WOW, what a great movie and the story line interesting.  As I sit in the movie theater in the Heart of Dixie, I had to wonder how many of these people in the theater were on the "other side" of this topic!  You know life hasn't changed in some parts of the south and I think it may be very evident in this part of the country.   That concerns me greatly since we have to deal with this issue even in today's world.  

However, later in the afternoon, MrsBlue asked if I wanted to go see Winnie the Pooh!  Of course I said yes and we headed out to watch the animated movie.  

As I sat through the movie, I began to think about each of the characters (Pooh, CR, Tigger, Eeyor, Pigglet, Owl, Rabbit, Kango and Roo).  It's very interesting how in some way or another each one of them is ME!  You may feel the same way, but let me explain...

CR (Christopher Robin) - he's the one who seems to understand what's going on.  Even when everyone else is running around and confused, he clears it up with a few simple words.  I too feel like this in the office at times.  You have people who are just "all over the place" and a few words or direction seems to get things back on track.  

Pooh - He's always hunting for Hunny!  Why?  Because it's always on his mind.  I too am hunting for "Hunny", but my Hunny is success.  Why can't I be happy with where I am instead of where I am going.  For Pooh, this fills every waking moment of his life and he sometimes misses the important things because he's searching.  

Tigger - He's bouncing, bouncing, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce.  This is what people think about me!  I'm always bouncing around.  I think this is important to not get caught into a rut and stay doing something that has no meaning in life.  However, the other side of this is that we bounce around a lot and don't stay fixated on what's important.  

Eeyor - He's get's down on everything.  Sometimes I do too!  Why I'm not sure, but you take things personally and it gets you down!  However, his ability to deal with this "the glass is half empty" keeps him moving in the right direction.  What a leader even when you get down and people are piling on top of you.  I too keep going even when the chips are down.  

Pigglet - He's a "fraidy cat"!  Think about when he had to walk across the forest and was afraid the whole way...  Aren't we all this way at times?  I mean, we are afraid of what will come next.  But in the end Pigglet overcomes his fears and moves on.

Owl - He's the "brainiac"!  He shows his superiority by spouting off words no one else understands.  It's like he is so superior to everyone and knows the right answers.   I find myself doing this as well...I know the RIGHT answer (or at least I think I do).  But just like Owl, events usually show that we aren't all that smart in the end.

Rabbit - Well what can you say about Rabbit.  He's a hard worker and wants to be the leader of the pack.  However, he gets lost in handling all of his focus!  

Kango and Roo - It's all about family!  They keep the focus and are their to help their friends out no matter what!  However, they believe Family is IMPORTANT!  I too believe in my family and appreciate them everyday.  Without them, none of this matters.

It's amazing how a animated film can teach you a little about yourself.  Who would have thought that Walt Disney had the forethought of talking to people about what makes the world go around.  I know I'm not perfect, but depending on the situation I find myself being just like Winnie the Pooh and his cast of characters.  

1 comment:

Bettina said...

Oh you are soooo funny are definitely a T I double G errr to me LOL