
Friday, December 31, 2010

Day 197 - Krispy Kreme

The Rising 6 had a Fund Raiser today and I was buying doughnuts...glazed Krispy Kreme.  

Yes, I did buy 2 first I thought I could eat them ALL!  However, I thought long and hard about this one after eating the first 6 in about 15 minutes.
What it looked like at received +0 minutes

What it looked like at received +15 minutes
So on my way home, I got generous and shared them with the COPS.  Yeah, I know...cops with doughnuts...isn't that funny.  But they happily accepted them. :)
Good thing I had these tonight...on New Year's Eve since I have a 5K tomorrow at 0600...this is what I call training!!!!

1 comment:

Bettina said...

That's just WRONG...