
Saturday, December 13, 2008

Word 4 the Weekend

D e t a i l s

Now why would I choose such a word as "details"? Because remembering to take care of the little details can contribute to our success in a big way.

Take for example, typing a SMS text message or email. Sometimes our brain does not register what we are typing and we seem to leave out a few words. Boy is this embarrassing. The intent or message you are trying to convey is lost in the missing words...people are saying "what an idiot" instead of seeing the real meaning of the message.

We all need to take a few moments to pay attention to the details. Whether it's lacing up the sneakers, driving down the road or typing (um, proofreading) an email...

The Bible in Proverbs 17:28 captures the real essence of details "Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue."

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