
Sunday, April 24, 2011


Today may be Easter but like many years ago, it's not a HAPPY day!  What I mean is...death still is apart of Easter and this Easter is no different.  In fact, we had SIX Fallen Warriors come across the ramp today.  

To tell the truth, I was a little disappointed that I couldn't do my Normal Sunday (off day) activities today because of the Fallen Warrior Ceremony.  It was just jerking me around since the arrival and departure had been switching times.  Yeah, I shallow is that!

But as I was talking with MrsBlue about it, she put it into perspective for me...which she has the canning ability to do>  She reminded me that there are families who are having an even worse day (in fact six familes who have an Easter they will remember for a lifetime).  So I feel very ashamed of my thoughts.  But more importantly, I feel ashamed that the constant death I see has lost some impact.  I have become hardened over the past few years of being in the AOR and seeing these hero's and Fallen Warriors pass right in front of me.  When will it end?  I know our efforts are just and for the greater good, but it's at a high!

Then today as we were conducting the Fallen Warriror ceremony, I got to see it face-to-face how this war is affecting others.  I met a solider who was escorting his friend (one of the Fallen Warriors) back home.  One last trip for this Hero!  The escort was very respectful of his friend and very protective.  In fact, he was injured (hurt his knee) and was still escorting through the pain (knee and heart).

As we prepared the flag draped remains for flight, this young SSG soldier was adding various items to the top of his friend.  It included a coin, a patch and a personal flag.  All had special meaning to this soldier.

I only pray that I don't lose sight of what's important again.  Forgive me for my faults and hardened heart.  We are blessed as a nation this Easter for we have WARRIORS who are giving their ALL!

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