
Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Let me tell you this -- I was not cut out to work in the medical career field. What a job!!!!

Yesterday, I received the "opportunity" to watch a oral surgery and root canal. What a sight. I thought this as going to be fun, but...

Yes, you guessed it, I "almost fainted" during the surgery. At first, I was doing okay...but as the Dr began to cut more and I saw more blood, I found myself getting light headed and really warm all over. In fact, I was sweating profusely. I realized that if I continued to be a MachoMan and stand there then I was going to be eating tiles. So I asked if I could take a seat. Once seated, I quickly regained my composure and watched a little more.

The Dr said it was because I hadn't eaten lunch...that was nice of him. But it was not that! Usually, the sight of blood doesn't impact me that way...oh well. I guess I chose wisely in career fields -- Technology.

After watching this, I know I don't want to have a root canal...ouch that looks painful.


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