
Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 36 - 1st CC Call, old friends and new ones too

Today, we had our first Commander's Call for the Wing.  I wasn't sure what to expect or what the boss expected from me on this one, so I just put a few things together.  It was amazing to see how it all came together and everyone blended their idea/topics would think we planned it.  

Then the day got interesting!!!!  We had a person passing through for various reasons he needed an escort back to the states.  So we selected the Wing Staff FSgt to make the trip...What was amazing about this was how people (Airmen) from around the wing came together late at night, after hours to hook us up with International Cell Phones.  I am amazed at how GREAT these people are.  One in particular is Robert Majewski who is the BlackBerry GURU.  I mean he does it ALLLLLLL for the communications squadron.  

I also ran into an old co-worker from Aviano.  This sharp young NCO was an asset in the SLAN shop back then and he's doing some great things here in the Network Control Center.  Again, I'm amazed at the fine young Airmen the Air Force has working in it.  They could make a lot more money if they left the Air Force, but they continue to serve and serve well!

Finally, I got a chance to THANK the boss for his leadership and tell him how much I appreciate his faithfulness.  I about let the cat out of the bag on why I was so glad to be in the AOR again (last experience was not that good).  Come to find out, his last trip was a little less than good too!  

I know today that:
- I am blessed beyond measure
- I am surrounded by some Really Smart People
- I love what I do in the Air Force
- I have friends I am making for LIFE!!!

What a world I live in...Thank goodness I have answered prayers!

1 comment:

Bettina said...

God is good!